Learning through the creative and performing arts
We are excited to invite you to our first Stay & Read sessions at LIPA Primary School!
On Thursday 19th October, you are invited to join your child in their class for story time. This will be a lovely opportunity for you to listen to a story read by the teachers together, in addition to seeing what’s been going on in the classrooms and what your children have been up to for the last half term!
If you would like to join us, please be in the reception area 5/10 minutes before your class time slot and wait for the staff to escort you up to the classrooms. Once the session is over, you will be able to take your child home. Please ensure you check with the teacher first and sign your child out on the register to keep them safe.
EYFS – 2.15pm
Y1 & 2 – 2.30pm
Y3 – Year 3 will be out on a trip, so you will be able to join them for the next Stay & Read session in Autumn 2.
These sessions will be taking place every half term throughout the year, so don’t worry if you can’t make it every time!
Thank you for your continued support.