Learning through the creative and performing arts
We have constructed an ambitious curriculum that is coherently planned to ensure that children know more and remember more, and which prepares them for their future learning. The curriculum is enriched through visits to our local area, partnerships within the local community and a programme of visitors such as authors, theatre groups and scientists.
We also provide the opportunity for pupils to carry out meaningful real-world projects throughout the year. It gives Primary pupils the opportunity to develop the creative habits of mind – persistence, imaginativeness, inquisitiveness, discipline and collaboration, on which our Captains are based, equipping them for successful study in the secondary phase.
Our approach gives all pupils, particularly disadvantaged pupils, including pupils with SEND, the opportunity to solve challenging tasks that have real life, experienced outcomes. It ensures that they have the knowledge and cultural capital which are vital for success in the 21st century.
A broad range of subjects are taught throughout the school and progression is planned based on the programmes of study identified in the National Curriculum.
Our Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum is planned and taught using the Early Learning Outcomes Framework and Development Matters document to ensure a broad, creative and balanced curriculum across all areas of learning and development.
Children learn through our Real life, open ended Project Based experiences, we ensure that learning is inspired through the children's interests. In which enable stimulating experiences across seven areas of learning. They include three prime areas and four specific areas:
Our Early Years curriculum is designed to ensure our children have opportunities to explore, investigate and wonder in order to promote three characteristics of learning
The Key Stage 3 programme of study covers all National Curriculum subjects taught at Key Stage 3. Subjects are taught through discrete skill/knowledge lessons which are planned by teachers collaborating across their specialisms.
Each subject has its own substantive and disciplinary knowledge journey. In order to achieve a true understanding of a subject, learning has been intelligently sequenced and chunked in a way so as to ensure that pupils know and remember more.
Within each scheme of work, key knowledge is taught and re-visited on a regular basis through interleaved ‘Do Now’ quizzes, end of the week Mastery quizzes and the repetition of key skills. All schemes of work allow for key schema to be added to, whereby teachers carefully select new knowledge to teach based on the changing needs of the students each time they re-visit an area of a key concept or knowledge.
Our Creative and Performing Arts curriculum provides the opportunity for all children to experience a variety of creative disciplines throughout years 7 & 8. In year 9 they specialise, choosing one discipline before choosing their final option to be studied in Key Stage 4.
We are committed to providing a broad and balanced education that values the essential knowledge and skills within National Curriculum subjects.
The Core GCSEs cover the English Baccalaureate. They are also ‘gateway’ qualifications, meaning that pupils will be able to study any subject post 16. These subjects include: English language, English literature, maths, science, history, Spanish, computing*, personal development*, religious education* and physical education*.
Our Creative and Performing Arts curriculum includes four hours of dedicated study a week in one of four disciplines: acting, dance, music performance and production or design for performance. There are additional activities such as rehearsals, workshops, events and performances they will take places out of school hours.
Provision for alternate GCSEs and other qualifications may be put in place if we deem that a pupil is better served this way. We also offer additional support for pupils in Maths and English. Opportunities are built in to make links to the world of work to enhance the careers, advice and guidance that students are exposed to.