Learning through the creative and performing arts
LIPA School's Admissions Policy is simple, open and reaches out to our locality and wider region, while remaining fully inclusive. We are part of Liverpool City Council's co-ordinated admissions arrangements, and so the decision to admit children to our school lies solely in their hands, based on criteria which can be found on their website:
Our school attracts children from across Liverpool, but is predominantly made up of those living in the Riverside Ward.
Applications are submitted directly to Liverpool City Council in between September and January in the year preceding a child's start in the Reception or Year 7 class.
If you would like to discuss anything relating to the admission of your child to LIPA School, please do not hesitate to contact school either on 0151 958 0020 or info@lipaprimary.org.
If you are unsuccessful in gaining a place at LIPA School you do have the right to appeal. Please contact the school if you wish to make an appeal and we will guide you through this process. Please do not send your appeals through to Liverpool City Council, appeals should be made directly to our school
The timetable for any appeals will be determined in June 2025.
* We aim to hold the appeal hearings within 40 school days of the deadline for submitting an appeal. In some exceptional circumstances we may need to hold hearings after this date.
* We will give the appellant ten days' notice of an appeal hearing date, time and location.
In-year Transfers
If you wish to move your child from our school to another Liverpool school please speak to admin.
We will liaise with the school you are hoping to transfer your child to.
Please follow the link provided for more information.
In-year school transfers - Liverpool City Council
If you are interested in moving your child from another school to our school. Please complete the form below.