Learning through the creative and performing arts
We will be keeping our current menu in place until February half term. In the meantime we are taking feedback from staff and children to inform the summer menu. If you have any feedback on our current menu (which has recently been sent home) please send your feedback to info@lipaprimary.org
However, if you do choose to send in a packed lunch, please see the information below (from the NHS) as we are keen to ensure all children receive a healthy, balanced diet.
A healthier lunchbox should:
- be based on starchy carbohydrates (bread, potatoes, rice, pasta)
- include fresh fruit and vegetables/salad
- include a source of protein such as beans and pulses, eggs, fish, meat, cheese
(or dairy alternative)
- include a side dish such as a low-fat and lower-sugar yoghurt (or dairy
alternative), tea cake, fruit bread, plain rice/corn cakes, homemade plain
popcorn, sugar-free jelly
- not include sweets, chocolate or crisps
- not include a drink. All children are provided with water
Thank you for your support with this.