Learning through the creative and performing arts
Headteacher Greg Parker writes:
“Another exciting fortnight in school has seen the Year 1 children visit the Liverpool Philharmonic Hall for the In-Harmony concert. It is quite a walk for two classes of young children – however, they were a credit to our school and to their parents.
“We also had Paul Bradshaw, Liverpool Local Authority E-Safety Lead in school last week to talk to parents and our children about keeping safe online. The session for parents was extremely well-received and has definitely provided some food for thought about how, as adults, we can ensure our children are taught how to use the internet safely and responsibly. There was also some discussion around the suitability of some video games as it would appear that some children as young as 5 are playing them when they are intended for much older children and adults. For anyone wanting more information, the following websites offer help and advice: www.net-aware.org and www.internetmatters.org
"Year 1 have been learning about Fair Trade as part of Chocolate Project whilst Reception have been developing their All About Eggs Project.
"Finally, our World Book Day celebration was a great success. All children had sessions on Story Through Drama, Story Through Music and Book Art, which was a particular favourite. The after-school book sale with teas and coffees was a really nice end to the day and raised £229.14.
"Well done to everyone involved!”