Learning through the creative and performing arts
If your child is due to start school in September 2018 or 2019, join us for an Open Evening to find out more about LIPA Primary School.
Our next Open Evenings will be held on:
Wednesday 18 October 2017 (4.30pm-6.30pm)
Wednesday 6 December 2017 (4.30pm-6.30pm)
We offer outstanding learning opportunities through the creative and performing arts, and would love to tell you about how we can help your child develop a life-long passion for learning. Working in partnership with Edge Hill University and others, we provide a solid education to prepare our pupils for success and happy lives, now and in the future.
To book your place for either Open Evening, please call our School Reception on 0151 958 0020 or email us at info@lipaprimary.org