Learning through the creative and performing arts
The staff and governors of LIPA Primary School are celebrating a ‘Good’ rating from Ofsted inspectors following the school’s first inspection since it opened in September 2014.
LIPA Primary School, which emphasises learning through the creative and performing arts, was praised for its broad and balanced curriculum, in which reading is a high priority. As an example of this, the school recently achieved the Liverpool Reading Quality Mark Gold Award.
The teachers were praised for the wide range of curriculum activities they provided that were tailored well to match pupils’ needs. The school’s broad range of extra-curricular activities – including theatre visits, music, dance and drama opportunities – was also singled out as enhancing children’s learning.
Inspectors described the school as preparing pupils well for life in modern Britain, with an emphasis on personal development and welfare and good outcomes and progress for children. Disadvantaged children and those with English as an additional language were identified as making the same strong progress as their peers.
Greg Parker, who has been Headteacher since the school opened, said: “We are delighted that the inspectors recognised the hard work of the staff and leadership team to support all pupils. It’s very encouraging that our teaching provision, governance, leadership and curriculum were singled out as particular strengths.
“As a new school, we were pleased that the quality of the school environment was highlighted, including the indoor and outdoor environments and our classrooms, which were noted for being bright and well-organised. We are now looking at ways to improve our provision further so that we can become outstanding.”
The inspectors recognised the wealth of relevant knowledge, skill and expertise provided by the school’s governors, and the pivotal role they have played so far in promoting the vision and ethos of the school.
Flo Clucas, Chair of the school’s Governing Body, said: “The findings of this Ofsted report are most welcome as it reflects the school’s journey over the past three years. Inspectors noted that relationships between staff and pupils are very positive, with the vast majority of parents holding the school in high regard. We are delighted to see that our pupils are genuinely proud of their school – as this report shows, they should be.”
To read LIPA Primary School’s Ofsted report, go to https://reports.ofsted.gov.uk/inspection-reports/find-inspection-report/provider/ELS/141103