Learning through the creative and performing arts
We were very excited to launch our #GetCaughtReading campaign in school on Monday.
When the children bring their class ‘reading hat’ home (every child will get a turn throughout the term), they will be given the task to ‘Get Caught Reading’ on camera! Once the children have had a photograph taken (wearing their hat, of course!) and reading their favourite book, we would LOVE parents and carers to tweet a photo or share it on our LIPA Primary School Facebook page with the hash tag #GetCaughtReading.
Parents and carers are welcome to join in - we’d love to know where you ‘Get Caught Reading’ your favourite books!
We will be choosing our favourites to go on our hall of fame, outside Mr Parker’s office.
Have a little look at this website for some inspiration: http://www.getcaughtreading.org/. You may see some faces you recognise!