Learning through the creative and performing arts
Following on from the guidance in recent newsletters about on-line safety, we have sent home two booklets which we hope will be helpful.
Your Child’s On-Line World - This booklet offers some simple guidance about the risks your child might face online, some advice about what you can do to keep them safe, and where you can go for more help and support.
A Parent’s Guide to Being Share Aware - This booklet contains a range of advice and guidance about keeping children safe on line. It is initially designed at the 8-12 age range however the advice is relevant to all ages.
If you need a copy of either booklet, please get in touch with the school office.
The Internet is a fantastic resource however it can also hold lots of dangers for our children. Working with them to appreciate this at this very young age will hopefully ensure that they can enjoy the Internet and use it safely as they grow up.