Learning through the creative and performing arts
"We are the dreamers of dreams..."
Roald Dahl
This week marks Roald Dahl Week at LIPA Primary School, as we celebrate 100 since the birth of one of our favourite writers!
We have lots of Roald Dahl-themed activity across our lessons this week:
As Performers, we will be doing lots of drama re-enacting scenes from the BFG and The Twits. We will also be doing lots of performance poetry with our Revolting Rhymes. We will be enjoying music lessons with Joe, where we will be learning lots of new skills!
As Artists, we will be looking at the work of Quentin Blake and making our own fabulous illustrations.
As Writers, we will be learning to write stories with a beginning, middle and an end. We will also be learning to write poetry. We will be having a huge revision on how to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops correctly.
As Readers, we will be studying the BFG, The Twits and Revolting Rhymes. Join us by reading your favourite Roald Dahl text at home!
As Mathematicians, we will be learning to count in twos, threes, fives and tens. We will be learning all about numbers and their place value. We will then be applying this addition and subtraction problem solving activities.
As Historians, we will be learning about the interesting life of Roald Dahl and how his work has impacted on the world.
In Religious Education, we will be investigating the question, ‘What did Jesus teach?’ in our Christianity unit.
Every Thursday morning, the children will have a music session with Joe and a Religious Education session with the new addition to our school team - Ellen McDiarmid. We will also be having a weekly French session with Miss Murray and P.E with Mrs Williams.
Tuesday 13th September will be our Dahlicious Dress Up Day - we look forward to seeing your creations!